Sunday, July 8, 2007

Welcome to The Sheepcote. "Sheepcote" seems to be quite an old-fashioned word, and it's not the woolly fleece that sheep wear! "Sheepcote" is another word for that place--a pen or a corral--where sheep are gathered in, perhaps at night--a place where the sheep are safe, where they are sheltered, and where they are cared for by the Shepherd.

In this blog, I will be posting daily meditations on things that I observe both in the world around me and in the Word. My hope is that my words will be thought-provoking and that you will find a blessing in reading them.

1 comment:

Suzie said...

As a farmer's daughter (who only had sheep one year) I know what a sheepcote is. This is a very lovely idea and since I can take my laptop with me on camping trips, I now have a source of inspiration.