Thursday, September 18, 2008

Summer's Over! (sigh!)

Life is busy for most people. We have jobs, family, friends, plus things to do, places to go, and people to see. We want to take time to deepen those relationships that are important to us, as well as find time to be healthy--eat well, reduce stress, and exercise physically and mentally.

One of the ways I like to exercise my mind is by reading. I always have a long list of books that I can't seem to get to--books that are waiting for me. They are patient! Reflecting on what I've read takes a bit of extra time, but I think it's time well spent.

One of my friends is a voracious reader. She takes stacks of books from the public library and wolfs them down like she's starving. I envy her (in a good way, of course!) Perhaps it's closer to the truth to say I am really happy for her that she has--and makes--the time to do something that she loves doing. She inspires me to put aside other things that can wait in order to enrich my life through the words of others.

I don't have a lot of time for reading, and I don't read a lot of fiction, but one book that totally stole me away from other duties was Year of Wonders, by Geraldine Brooks. It tells the story of an English village during 1665-1666, a year in which the plague struck the village. Under the guidance of the local pastor, the village quarantines itself from the outside world. The story is told through the voice of 18-year-old Anna Frith, a widow with two small sons, both of whom die of the plague. Her life is hard, her burdens are many . . . and the ending is . . . fantastical! I read this book in two sittings, staying up way past my bedtime to do it! I found new words, lots of history, and a solid sense that my life looks pretty good.

This is why I like reading: I invariably learn something about myself, my place in the world, and how to be. How to relate to those around me. How to have compassion on those who suffer. How to make room for those who need a voice.

Each book is a new adventure, a way to set sail on the sea of life. Bon voyage!

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