Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Bolt from the Blue

Yesterday, I was hit by a bolt from the blue. No, I didn't have an epiphany or think of a creative plan to solve the world's problems or make a million dollars. It wasn't that kind of bolt.

It was a bolt of fabric thrown from a mezzanine level 40 feet above me. Someone else had had a bolt from the blue about the fastest way to unroll a bolt of fabric. Toss it over the railing and let gravity do the rest. In theory, this is a very practical idea. As it happened, the moment that person felt the bolt leave her hand she saw me below, striding purposefully on my own errand, oblivious to the impending danger.

I didn't know what hit me. The bottom corner of the bolt hit my left cheekbone, knocked off my glasses, threw me off balance, and sent me flying to the ground.

My grandson heard the "smack" of the bolt hitting the floor. In the confusion of people rushing to pick me up, he thought it was the sound of his Grandma hitting the floor. People brought water, Advil, and ice wrapped in a Ziplock bag and a towel. I sat for a few minutes, till I stopped seeing stars.

It's easy to toss an incident such as this off without another thought. On the other hand, it's a chance to be thankful for the providence of a great and loving God who looks after me, even to protecting me from a bolt from the blue.

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

Pamela, I couldn't resist following the link provided at the end of your email. For one week, my niece has been learning to use the new lungs she received in a transplant. During that week, she has continually sought and received divine protection. We are so fortunate to have a God who cares enough to protect us, whether it be from diseased lungs or from a falling bolt of material.
Your title certainly caught my attention. Much of what I learn about my Lord seems to come like a bolt from the blue!!!