Thursday, November 20, 2008

HBS 9426

We are the family of last-minute projects and hare-brained schemes (HBS). We work to the deadline. This means that when we arrive at the finish line, we're practically dead.

We measure the hare-brainèd-ness of any scheme by how many late/sleepless nights it takes to complete the project. The more late/sleepless nights, the higher the number on the HBS (hare-brained scheme) scale. "Late" usually means past midnight.

Lately, we've been involved in a few such enterprises. For example, making signs for a school fundraiser. This was a many-stage project. First, finding just the right graphic. Then, setting up the projector to project the image on the blackboard. Next, tracing the design in chalk, colouring carefully over each line in various and appropriate colours of chalk. Finally, delivering the finished product to the venue at which the fundraiser would be held.

On a scale of 1 to 10 (1=low and 10=high), that was about a 7.

Tonight, it was different effort. Six person-hours, and that was just counting tonight. Last night boosted us up on the HBS-ometer with this hare-brained scheme (HBS). I'm sure it was past midnight when we put away the proxima; gathered pencils, pens, and rulers; shut down the laptop; and turned off the lights. We'd spent a couple of hours (two-person hours, for a total of four-person hours) tracing the letters on a banner for our float in the Christmas Parade. And that wasn't counting the thinking and planning time. I'd put it at about an 8.

But we all pull together. Everyone in the family helps. One person has an idea; another person adds to it; a third improves it even more. The kids cooperate and lend a hand to the project by quietly watching a movie while the adults work.

I use the term "hare-brained scheme" (HBS) loosely. Most of our efforts are actually directed towards very worthwhile projects: school fundraisers, grassroots activist groups, and other such world-improving projects.

It just seems that in the middle of the work, or towards the end of a long evening during which we'd all rather be doing something else but our word that we've given keeps us focused, the plan of action that we signed up for seems a bit like a hare-brained scheme.

We all decided that it would just be too depressing to assign a number to and keep count of all such projects that we undertake. But at least, we're all in it together. A project is always a chance to work together, help each other, and improve the world.

What better use could we make of our time?


Unknown said...

HBS is a funny idea, but truly your ideas are not "hare brained schemes" at all! They are worthwhile!

Vivi said...

I agree with Jana...
Some times these "HBS" projects turn out better that the ones we try for along time. !at least for me!
I agree they are also a great way to spend time with valuable people!