Saturday, January 7, 2012

Stepping Up the Pace

I did something entirely new to me today. I went to a step aerobics class at a local gym. Saturday morning, 9:15. Twenty women, each standing in front of a plastic "stair," stepping up and down onto and off the stair. Loud unending music keeping us in rhythm. Our fearless leader calling out directions, most of which I was able to follow.

I went with my daughter. She's been going to Zoomba, but a schedule conflict on Friday morning means she can no longer attend that class, so she's adopted the step class as the next best thing. She invited me to go along with her. Having no good reason not to go and wanting to keep up with my resolution to get in shape, I went.

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. We started out slow, with easy moves, stepping forward and back and sideways on the floor. We worked up to moving on and off the step. By 9:45, I was hoping the class would be over at 10, but my daughter shook her head. "No, it goes till 10:15. Hang in there!"

Then, blissfully, at 10:05, the music changed to something soft and soothing and we were in the cool down stage of stretches. Ten minutes of that and the class was over.

I paid $9 for the drop-in session. I got my money's worth!

Later in the day, I walked two miles on my treadmill. I walked at a bit slower pace because I was reading a 30-page article from an academic journal and wanted to see if I could multi-task. I walked a bit slower and read a bit slower, but it worked!

It's never too late to get in shape. If you made a resolution, stick with it. If you didn't, today's a great day to make one. Who said New Year's Day is the only day to make resolutions? Today is the first day of the rest of your life! Make the most of it!

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