Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sunday, June 17

The first sound I heard when I woke up this morning was rain on the roof. It was really raining hard. When I looked out the window, I saw that the U12 (Under 12 years old) soccer team was out in force on the school--rain or shine, they practice and play. They are dedicated. The only thing that calls off the games is lightning.

I pull out my binoculars and easily spot my grandson: blue team jacket, bright yellow socks, fluorescent orange soccer boots. He's running for all he's worth.

Those kids are learning valuable skills. How to be a team member. How to work together. How to have a goal (pun intended). How to yield to one another. How not to take the glory for themselves. How to be good sports, win or lose. How to do their best. Give 100 per cent.

These are not just soccer skills. These are life skills. Organized team sports can be a training ground for Life itself. It's not the only training they need, but it covers a lot of learning outcomes, as they say in the educational system.

Can kids learn these life skills without joining organized sports?

Of course they can, but soccer is an intensive training course.

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