Friday, January 7, 2011

Strange Photo Caption

When the local weekly newspaper arrives in my mailbox, I glance through the ads, recycle them, and then browse through the paper, reading the articles that interest me. I like to keep up with what's happening in town.

Today, my attention was arrested by a caption under a photo of a happy looking older man and woman, sitting on a bench, obviously enjoying each other's company, a fine summer day, and a moment of laughter.

Nothing unusual in that, I suppose. What was strange was the caption: "As more and more Canadians reach 'baby boomer' status, society and business alike will feel the impact."

I wasn't aware that "baby boomer status" was something one "reached." Either you are a baby boomer or you're not. If you were born between 1946 and 1966 (the usual dates given), you are one.

I was also unaware that people were still being added to the ranks of baby boomers, but according to the photo caption, "more and more Canadians" are.

Although baby boomers represent almost a third of the Canadian population, apparently there are still not enough of us.

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