Friday, January 4, 2008

It's a new year, and I'm set to blog!

I'm set on a great path for the year, and I feel very optimistic. I have a list of things that I'm going to accomplish in 2008, and I am going to be steady in my resolve to keep my eyes on the goal. Writing is one of my goals and blogs are a great way to do this. Those who know me and saw my list for 2007 will probably note that some of the items from that list have been forwarded on to my 2008 list. That's right! If at first I don't succeed, I keep trying!

Over the holidays, we had some wonderful times with family and friends. Of course, there was lots of "stuff," too. Stuff for the little kids and stuff for the big kids. We want to remember the reason for the season. Giving gifts is a way to show our love and care for each other. God gave us the gift of His Son. It was His way of showing His love for us. Christ came, and then, "while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Rom. 5: 8). This was also God's way of showing His love toward us.

I'm excited about the opportunities that are before me as the new year starts off. One of the things on my to-do list is to memorize a verse a week. I pray that the Holy Spirit will guide me in my selection and memorization of these verses.

Set yourself some goals. Aim high. Take courage!

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