Thursday, January 10, 2008

Let It Go!

Sometimes, someone says something to us that offends us. It doesn't really matter what it is. It might be something about the way we look, the way our children look, or the way our house looks. Once those words fall on our ears, we take offense. Our feelings are hurt. Our pride is wounded. And that's the problem right there.

It's a matter of pride. That original sin in the original sin. The sin that keeps on rearing its head. As humans, we are so full of our own goodness and our own self-importance that when someone dares to say something against us or ours, we are ready to play that for all its worth.

We may talk it over with a friend, sounding them out about the situation. He or she in turn will probably feed our own feelings about the situation, fanning the flames instead of dousing the fire with water.

This year, starting today, we should let those things go. Give them up. Let go and let God deal with us about our own pride. Of course, we would rather that He deal with the other person who said the words that injured us. And He may do just that. But first, He may wish to deal with us.

Let's welcome the promptings of the Holy Spirit, the dealings of a merciful and gracious Father, and the blood of His Son that covers sin, even our pride.

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